we buy houses Texas

How To Sell a Probate Property in Houston

After facing the loss of a loved one who didn’t have a will or investments protecting against the process altogether, probate can mean long drawn out proceedings, especially with larger estates.  It can be costly to go through, so avoid making the mistake of skipping any of the legal requirements which can further tie up … Continued

5 Things To Know About Probate and Your Houston Real Estate

Have you recently inherited a house in Houston? The process can seem overwhelming and confusing, especially if you aren’t prepared. In this post, we offer 5 things you need to know about probate and the Houston real estate you have inherited.  The probate process normally means that someone you love is no longer here.  When … Continued

How To Sell A Probate Property In Houston

If you own a property, that is stuck in the courts, it can feel frustrating and overwhelming. All of your hard work handling everything should pay off in one way or another. In our latest post, we will help you learn how to sell a probate property in Houston! The probate process is stressful. Selling … Continued

Selling A Probate Property In Houston

Do you feel burdened by a probate property in Houston? We can help! Learn more about selling a probate property in our latest post. When people hear the word “probate” they often feel immediate stress. Losing a loved one is hard enough, but when their properties and possessions become tied up in probate court, the situation … Continued

Can A House Be Sold While In Probate In Houston ?

The answer to the often-asked question “Can a house be sold while it is in probate in Houston ?” is “Yes.” But you must adhere carefully to your state’s pertinent rules and regulations. The probate court will monitor every step and all aspects of the sale, and if you’re the executor, you, too, must monitor … Continued

What Can Go Wrong When You Inherit a House in

If you’ve suddenly inherited a house, you may not be prepared for the questions and issues that can arise. And if you make the wrong decisions, you will likely encounter financial, emotional, and family problems before long. Forewarned is forearmed, they say, so here’s some of what can go wrong when you inherit a house … Continued

Is There A Holding Period Before Selling My Inherited Home? – Houston

If you are thinking about selling your inherited property, you might be wondering, “Is there a holding period before selling my inherited home?” This article will answer that question and you might be surprised at what you learn… If you’ve inherited a property, you might now be wondering what to do with that property. And … Continued
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